Think Without over thinking, learn how to let go
“ I should have said those things at the meeting yesterday”
“The woman at the grocery store was totally disrespecting me”
“Four years ago, somebody pushed me in a bus”
Notice how unnecessary thoughts are almost always about the past. Why are we all stuck in the past? It is because it is a survival strategy so that we do not end up making the same mistake twice.
It is impossible to stop surviving. But it is possible to get our mind out of that survival mode and master the ability to let go off all worries and concerns. Here is how you need to stop overthinking. At first you need to realize why you are overthinking and the reason behind the cause. It is almost always fear. It could be love too or a certain thing that is so important in your life that you cant help but think about it. But most people are just worrying and overthinking about money, or an exam or indulging in fear mongering thoughts which is very unhealthy. You need to realize that all this over thinking is not helping.
You need to discipline yourself to not overthink. This will only happen when you work on some self discipline exercises so that your thoughts are not wandering any more. Imagine your mind as a house and your thoughts are only in one room of the house and you have the power to walk out of that room. And there are hundreds of rooms in that house. You have to give yourself permission to leave the room and walk out. But our minds are not designed to give ourselves permission to just let go. So how do we do this? How can we stop overthinking about the unnecessary and not think at all? Through self discipling. You also have to believe that you are capable of it. I promise once you have the ability to clear your head of all thoughts, life will become a lot easier.
1.). Think of one thought only. One at a time. This is possible mostly if you have a passion you can pour your heart into. So if you love sewing, or art or anything at all. Use your passion. Passion can really help you zone out and into a world of your own. Pursue your passion maybe not as a career but for the sake of your mental health. Remember your passion will force you to pay attention to only one thing.
2.). Clean your house, I know its stupid and everyone needs to clean. But our outside environment does affect our inner state. Keep cleaning your house and unclutter and remove unnecessary garbage from the house. Throw away all garbage food from the fridge, this continuous practice will help you unclutter your mind and remove unnecessary thoughts.
3.). Put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and cover your eyes and hum like a bee. Make the mmmm sound. It is a technique that can not only calm an overactive mind but will help you remove unnecessary thoughts. This yoga pose is called bee breath. Google and research on bee breath or watch a you tube video on it.
4.) Contact your most positive minded friend or just take your dog with you on a hike or boating or just go out for a walk. Connect with nature because it really cleanses your soul. The unnecessary thoughts will bug you even more if you are a homebody. People who are homebodies and loners can really suffer from unnecessary thoughts and even anxieties. Notice how hikers, mountain climbers and outdoors people are usually happier and in a good mood. Try hiking or walking once a week maybe by the beach or a nearby lake. As for me I joined a hiking group and I noticed how my thought patterns changed and improved.
Once the mind starts untangling and the mind starts getting rid of unnecessary thoughts. You will be ready to rid your mind of all thoughts and achieve something called a strategic nothingness.
5.) Sit in any comfortable position and command yourself to not think. It will happen !!! You can now command yourself to not think at all.
There will be a positive change in your life. Better things will happen to you just because you do not have unnecessary thoughts. Mind is not overwhelmed and you can finally focus and achieve inner peace on command. No matter what you do in life, a peaceful mind is the key to finding happiness.
Hope this helps!!!
Spread the love like a spread operator
Originally published at on August 28, 2022.