Common Excuses used by Terrible Coders

Samanja Cartagena
4 min readDec 11, 2022


One might argue that some people are just bad at coding and that some people are just really good at it. It all comes naturally because of brain chemical composition etc. Just like some people are good at math and others are not. After coming into contact with thousands of coders from all around the world. I disagree ! I am not going to agree with the famous statement made by Albert Einstein “If you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it’s stupid.” Yes, it’s true that a fish can never climb a tree, but all humans can code. People are not fish Mr. Einstein or birds. We all belong to the same species but we do all have different mindsets because of different life experiences. Anyone can be a good coder with the right mindset. A terrible coder is just making lame excuses and a good coder is not making any of those excuses. If you are a terrible coder than this article is for you

Common excuses made by bad coders

Here, I have summed up all the excuses from people who want to code but think that they can’t because of idiotic pre-conceived notions.

  1. It is extremely difficult.
  2. It is going to be risky.
  3. Learning takes a long time
  4. There will be family drama.
  5. I don’t deserve to be good at coding.
  6. Coding is not in my nature.
  7. I can’t afford it.
  8. No one will help me.
  9. I have been unsuccessful before.
  10. I am too old to learn this
  11. I am not smart enough
  12. I don’t have the energy
  13. I am too busy
  14. I am too scared

Let’s turn your entire life around

Let’s get rid of all your excuses one by one with affirmations:

  1. It will be difficult — with affirmation — I have the ability to accomplish anything I can set my mind to.
  2. It is going to be risky — with affirmation — Just going out in the streets require a lot of risks. Risk is the ultimate truth of life and I wish to live fearlessly.
  3. It will take a long time — with affirmation — I have extreme patience when it comes to fulfilling my destiny.
  4. There will be family drama — with affirmation — I would rather be hated for who I am than loved for pretending to be someone I am not.
  5. I don’t deserve it- with affirmation — I am a part of the Divine and a part of the beautiful universe and therefore I cannot un deserve anything.
  6. Coding is not in my nature — with affirmation — Anything I practice and do continuously will eventually become a part of my nature.
  7. I can’t afford it — with affirmation — There will always be abundance in my life and whatever I need will always come.
  8. No one will help me — with affirmation — The right circumstances and the right people always show up on time. The universe is always here to help me because I am a part of this universe.
  9. I have been unsuccessful before — with affirmation — I will change my past by acting on my present and will become the architect of my own future.
  10. I am too old to learn this — with affirmation — I am an infinite being. The age of my body has no connection with who I am and what I can do or achieve.
  11. I am not smart enough — with affirmation — I can master anything and become anything
  12. I don’t have the energy — with affirmation — I have infinite amount of energy
  13. I am too busy — with affirmation — As I unclutter my life, I free myself for the callings of my soul.
  14. I am too scared — with affirmation — I chose to live fearlessly.

With these affirmations

By chanting these affirmations, you will become way better at coding. Your life will turn around and you would be able to solve all the problems, land your dream job and work on all the projects that you had always had your eyes on.

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